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How to build a nuclear power plant – video

"Suppose, hypothetically speaking, you wanted to build a nuclear power plant. It's simply "a complicated way to boil a lot of water, cheaply, and without smoke", according to Bertrand Barre, scientific adviser of Areva, which is...


Drone to probe Sellafield silos

"'Hexacopter' being developed to map the inside of radioactive silos as part of the decommissioning and cleaning process "


Biofuels: Drought worsens in midwest and threatens next year's corn crop

"Obama administration under growing pressure to end support for corn ethanol as gas and food prices continue to rise"


The new environmentalism: where men must act 'as gods' to save the planet

"For the neogreens, science and business will provide while nature can adapt. It is a messsage gaining traction"


Scotland opens first marine energy park

"Climate change minister Greg Barker to launch Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Energy Park"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 76 to 80 out of 1050